Happy Valentine's Day Kylie!

I love you 🥰😼
Dear Kylie,

Making this website has just filled me with joy as it gave me an excuse to look through all of the wonderful memories we've shared together. Every moment with you is like a beautiful dream I never want to wake up from. You are not just my partner but my best friend, my confidant, and my source of happiness. In the quiet moments we share, in the laughter that fills our home, in the silent glances that say everything – these are the times I cherish the most. You have a way of turning the mundane into magic, and the simplest days into adventures. I find myself in awe of your kindness, your beauty, and the light you bring into my life. Your love is a sanctuary for me, a place where I can be my true self and know that I am loved just as I am. The thought of our future together, walking up next you our in our gorgeous Chicago/NYC home, fills me with such hope and excitement. There are so many places I want to explore with you, so many experiences I long to share. Every "I love you" that slips from your lips is a promise, every hug a reminder of the comfort we've found in each other.

So here's to us, to our journey, and to the love that grows stronger with each passing day. I love you more than words can express, and I can't wait to continue writing our story together.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
From, Rohit